



Dear iDEALS, this interview is part of the forthcoming 5th issue of Fashion Isterografo in Cyprus, due to come out on January 11th 2009. Nicola Formichetti was born in Japan in 1977 to an Italian father and a Japanese mother and grew up between these two countries. His unique style is a result of his upbringing: internationally eclectic; modern and traditional; Eastern and European. Currently living between London, New York and Tokyo. He works as an editor on several fashion magazines, all of which he is closely involved with throughout the entire process; as well as being a consultant for a number of leading fashion brands, working on their image, business strategy, marketing processes or simply styling the campaigns.
He is also very involved in youth culture and cultivating young talent. Its his career status that made me want to interview him for all of you. Just read the list of what he does and where he is: Creative director of DAZED & CONFUSED Senior fashion editor of ANOTHER MAN, Contributing fashion editor of V, V MAN, ANOTHER Fashion director of VOGUE HOMMES JAPAN and also contributor for ARENA HOMME PLUS and BAZAAR USA.

FilepMotwary: How important is teamwork for you. What does teamwork mean for a stylist?
NicolaFormichetti: For me, the creative process is all about collaboration. Different people get together to develop ideas and to create one distinct and unique vision. From fashion designers, photographers, through hair and make-up, even my own assistants; I think that the role of the stylist is to be in the middle of it and get everyone together to make it happen!

FilepMotwary: The majority of the world we live in has nothing to do with fashion nor finds interest in it. For whom do you work? What does your work reflect and towards whom?
NicolaFormichetti: I hope that my work will inspire not only the people that look to fashion for influence but a bigger audience. My work is not elitist and would hope to appeal to art lovers as well as fashionistas. If i can somehow invoke emotion, make them think or stimulate and inspire somebody then I’m happy.

FilepMotwary: What makes a good fashion stylist?
NicolaFormichetti: To have a complete awareness of how the finished image should look and to channel the team’s creative processes towards a unique goal.

FilepMotwary: What’s fashion for you. Define the word fashion.
NicolaFormichetti: That’s a difficult question! I’m working every day to find the answer!
FilepMotwary: How did you see fashion as a child and how was your childhood in general? Is it true that we as adults try to recreate our past’s reflections through our work?
NicolaFormichetti: I was brought up between Japan and Italy as a child before moving to London at 18 so I suppose my work is a jumble of things, geographical and cultural contrasts, East meets West, street-wear paired with high fashion…

FilepMotwary: What do you enjoy most: working for a magazine or for a designer? Could you please name the differences?
NicolaFormichetti: I love both processes! The two aren’t really all that different; they are both processes of creative collaboration. Working for a magazine consists of coming up with themes for an issue, cover ideas, commissioning shoots as well as doing my own shoot. Working with designers consists of coming up with ideas and themes for a show or campaign image instead, for a magazine but the processes of casting models and making looks really is quite similar.

FilepMotwary: Are there any difficulties in your work?
NicolaFormichetti: TIME!!! There is never enough of it. I travel so much that it is hard I barely get time to sit still. It would be so much easier if the seasons were double the length.

NicolaFormichetti: I try to look for young people who are passionate about fashion. People who I can bounce ideas off and contribute ideas of their own. I’m looking for the new me every time!

FilepMotwary: How where things for you when you started. How did it all happen?
NicolaFormichetti: I was working as buyer for a shop called “The Pineal Eye” in Soho, London. We would work with young exciting designers and then I was invited to join Dazed in a similar capacity, I had my own page to display whatever i found interesting with new designers and photographers. It was a natural progression.

FilepMotwary: Which was the most influential person in your life so far and the most memorable moment in your career and why?
NicolaFormichetti:My Mum had the biggest influence on me and she still does!! I share her love of beauty and adore her ability to balance this with a very practical nature. She keeps me focused too.

FilepMotwary: Where is fashion going?
NicolaFormichetti: Global…

FilepMotwary: An advice for the young and talented who dream to become a stylist?
NicolaFormichetti: Think twice!!